
Voltage Control

Take control of your energy costs, reduce your carbon footprint and prolong the life of your electrical equipment with our voltage management solution.

EnPact Voltage Control is ideal for any organisation looking to reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions.

How does

enPact Voltage Control work

The National Grid delivers an average of 242 volts to all UK users. When installed, our voltage optimisation solution enables your electrical equipment to work at the optimum of 220 volts, reducing your kWh usage and avoiding wastage.

Through Ohm’s law, optimising voltage on any supply produces instant kWh savings of up to 19%, reducing your electricity bills and carbon footprint.

Voltage management will also prolong the life of your electrical equipment. The UK’s wiring regulations (BS7671) state that any electrical equipment required to work at 242v will suffer a reduced working life by up to 46%.

Energy & C02 monitoring and verification

Our state-of-the-art data reporting platform offers live energy consumption updates and comprehensive analytics, giving you the ability to monitor your energy savings and CO2 emissions in real time.

The data centre will enable you to pinpoint opportunities for energy savings and take proactive steps to address them.

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and fast-track your energy savings

Why choose enPact for

Voltage Control

  • Reduced kWh consumption
  • Reduction in demand
  • Guaranteed savings
  • Lower carbon emissions
  • Prolong the life of your appliances
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • State-of-the-art monitoring platform


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enPact Voltage Control


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